A definition of wind energy

Wind energy is the energy obtained from the wind, that is, it is the use of the kinetic energy of air masses.

The term «aeolic» comes from the Latin aeolicus, or ‘belonging or relating to Aeolus’, god of the winds in Greek mythology.1​

Currently, wind energy is mainly used to produce electricity, which is achieved through wind turbines connected to large electrical energy distribution networks, among others. Wind farms built on land represent an increasingly cheaper and competitive source of energy. It is even cheaper in many regions than other conventional energy sources.2​3​ In addition, electricity can be provided in isolated regions that do not have access to the electrical grid through small wind installations, or also with photovoltaic solar energy. Electrical distribution companies increasingly acquire the surplus electricity produced by small domestic wind installations.4 The rise of wind energy has also led to the planning and construction of offshore wind farms relatively close to the coasts. Wind energy is more stable and stronger at sea than on land, and marine parks have less visual impact, although construction and maintenance costs are considerably higher.

Source https://colocar-el-lin-a-nota.cl


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