ENC Consultants, a consulting firm specializing, has extensive commercial, regulatory and technical experience in the power market. We offer risk analysis, fuel supply negotiation, power trading and contract management, operation and control.
Our deep understanding of the markets enables us to offer complete advice along the whole value chain of our clients, covering both conventional generation and non-conventional renewable energies (NCRE).
know us
Our Team
We provide complete advice for the development of power infrastructure projects, with special emphasis on generation and transmission projects (public and private).
Andrés SalgadoGeneral Manager
Civil Electrical Engineer from Universidad de Chile and MBA from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, with a career of 33 years in the Chilean electricity sector. He was Executive Director of Independent System Operator and Manager in areas of Regulation, Commercial, Control and Risk Management in important electric companies.
Catalina MedelHead of Legal and Regulation
Lawyer graduated from Universidad de Chile with a MSc degree in Regulation from London School of Economics. She was Head of the Legal Division at CDEC SIC and lawyer at Colbún S.A. She currently serves as a professor at Universidad de Chile and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in regulatory matters and institutional design. WG Regulation H2 at Cigre.
Andrés OpazoHead of Business Strategy
Civil Electrical Engineer and MBA with mention in Finance, with 23 years of experience in the electricity market. He has held important positions in the Independent Systema Operator and in the National Energy Commission (CNE). Professor at the University of Chile in Analysis and Operation of Electrical Systems.
Raúl MorenoHead of Electricity Market Operations and Standards
Civil Electrical Engineer and MBA(e) from U. Técnica Federico Santa María, with 28 years of experience in the Chilean electricity sector in the operation of interconnected systems. He was Deputy Director of Operation and Head of Dispatch at CDEC-SING and participated in various stages of the development of generation projects in Endesa Chile.
Juan Pablo RojasJuan Pablo RojasHead of Studies
Civil Electrical Engineer and Diploma in Business Management from the University of Chile, with 16 years of experience in the Chilean electricity sector. He was Head of the Transmission Development Unit and Engineer of the Tolls Directorate at the ISO, experience in planning and bidding of transmission works, and in analysis of the regulations of the electricity sector.
José Carrasco Head of Regulatory Strategy
Civil Electrical Engineer and Master’s Degree in Engineering Sciences, mention in Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Chile. 16 years of experience in regulation, electricity market regulations and tariff processes. He was head of the Electricity Markets Unit at the CNE and headed the Energy Markets Division at the Ministry of Energy.
Ricardo Parada RomeroStudies Engineer
Civil Electrical Engineer from the University of Santiago de Chile, with 5 years of experience in the electricity sector. His degree thesis was based on the “Comparison of Regulated Electricity Tariffs for Netbilling”.
Iván Troncoso KurtovicEngineer of Studies
Civil Electrical Engineer from Universidad de Chile. Distinguished student of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 2020 and 2021. His degree thesis was based on short term market guarantees and proposal of modification to the present calculation method with an international revision.
Catalina Salazar CazenaveParalegalth
Third year law student at Universidad de Chile. She is currently an assistant at the Center for Regulation and Competition of the University of Chile (RegCom) and the chair of Introduction to Economics.
Diego González Donoso Studies Engineer
Civil Electrical Engineer, Universidad de Chile. Distinguished student in the years 2019, 2020, 2021. He has been assistant of Digital Systems, Project Evaluation, Optimization. With a thesis project based on the analysis of SEN scheduling in the context of water crisis.
Andrés Montoya SotoStudies Engineer
Electrical Engineer from Universidad de Chile. Distinguished student in the years 2020-2021. Degree thesis based on the development of a methodology that allows the design of electrical networks in remote locations of Latin America with low access to energy.
We advise our clients throughout the
whole value chain of their business.